Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Merry Christmas Eve.....Eve

So, it's getting close.  Today is Christmas Eve Eve.  But, I already got the best gift I could get.  Kaden had his Ortho appointment today.  The Dr. said that he can do most anything.  He can run, jump, and play as normal.  He can do most anything that he could do prior to breaking his leg.  He has to wait another 6 weeks to participate in contact sports such as soccer or sparring in karate and to jump on a trampoline.  But, after that he is good to go.  We don't have to go back to the Ortho Dr until June 23.  At that time we will have more x-rays and discuss when the IM nails will have to come out of his leg.  I hope that they will be able to take them out in plenty of time for his leg to heal before school starts.
It is so great for him to be able to run and play without Brian or I fussing at him for doing typical boy things because he may hurt his leg.  He has been really patient through the entire healing process.  I am so glad that he is able to play like he should be able to.  It did not come a moment too soon.  It is a great gift to me to know that my son can play and enjoy himself on Christmas without limitations from a broken leg.  
I hope to post tomorrow and Christmas Day.  But, if I do not get to then I want to wish everyone a wonderful, love-filled, memorable Merry Christmas!

Friday, December 19, 2008

The Mom Song

I saw this posted on another blog and I thought it was really hysterical. This is so true! ENJOY!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Christmas is my absolute FAVORITE holiday.  I get so excited about all of it.  I love decorating, shopping, wrapping gifts, looking at Christmas lights, Nativity scenes, putting out milk and cookies for Santa.....ALL OF IT!!  But, for some reason I am feeling kind of blah.  We have the house all decorated, I have most of the shopping done, and the kids are really excited.  Maybe it's because I will not get to see any of my family.  Maybe it's because we have had a rough 2008.  Maybe I have just been too busy to enjoy the season.  I have no idea why I have the blahs, but I do hope that it will pass soon. 

Monday, December 15, 2008

The pointless attempt at Christmas Pics

     Every year when it gets close to Christmas, Brian and I get the wonderful idea in our heads to take the kids somewhere to take their pics for Christmas cards.  I think most you know where this is going.......we are NEVER successful.  One of them is always tired, or cold, or hungry, or has to go potty, etc....We have an awesome place called The Crystal Bridge at The Myriad Gardens in OKC.  It is just beautiful and decorated with tons of lights.  Oh well it was a nice attempt.  
     I am so excited that Brian and I are done with school until January!  Well, I am done for a while.  Brian will start again in January but I will not go back until after Kaden has his next surgery to remove the flexible nails in his leg.  It was just too hard with him in a wheelchair and I don't need all that stress.  
     We are almost done with our Christmas shopping.  I am really excited for Santa to come!!  Kaden has his Christmas Party at school this week and then Friday will be his last day until January.  He is getting very anxious.  Cassidy is also really excited and keeps talking about a flying snow horse that she wants.  She is so funny!  Lately she has been getting in a little trouble at school with not listening and being mean to her friends.  When I talk to her she tells me that she does not feel good.  When I ask her why, she says that she 'had a hard day at school!"  What?  How does a 3 yr old have a "hard" day exactly??  Oh well, what can you do!