Another day in my life with KIDS!! Yesterday, about 3:45pm, I got a call from Kaden's After School. The conversation goes like this: "Mrs. Wines, this is Truman after school program. Kaden fell from the Jungle Gym and hurt his leg. It is swelling and he says he can't move it......and, we don't want to move him." So, I say I am on my way, hang up, and call Brian. We both head to Truman. I get there first and go to the playground where Kaden was laying. I could see the swelling underneath his shorts. It was on the inside of his leg between his knee and his groin. I instantly knew that I would not attempt to move him. So, I called 911 and Brian. An ambulance and fire truck came. During all of this he had not even cried! I thought I might cry just looking at him. So, we go to Norman Regional Hospital via ambulance. They get him stabilized and get X-Rays. They come in a while later and tell us that they are moving him to Children's Hospital in OKC. They said it will need surgery and that Children's has Pediatric Ortho Specialists. So, we get in another ambulance and take a very bumpy ride to Children's in the City.
Once we are at Children's Hospital (about 8:30pm) then we go to the ER there. We are there until about 1:00 am. They access him, talk about his x-rays, and our options. Our options are this: a full body cast from the chest down both legs or they could put two flexible titanium nails in his femur. Later they tell us that they have to move the current splint because it is getting uncomfortable. They give him more pain meds and start to move him and he starts crying and shaking. It was horrible and his little lips were quivering uncontrollably. His blood pressure got really high, from the pain. They FINALLY gave him a medicine that made him rest. They finished splinting the leg and they told us that we could get admitted to a room soon. They also say that he is in the schedule from surgery Friday morning about 9 am.
We get admitted to a room about 1am, then they have to do a traction boot. Let me give you a visual of this: The attach a soft boot around his splint on his leg, the boot has straps to which they attach a rope, and at the other end of the rope is a 10 pound weight. This boot pulls the leg out and hels the bone realign to relieve pressure. WHATEVER! It sounds painful to me. And, my stress level goes back up at the thought of doing this.
Now it is about noon on Friday. Kaden is currently in surgery. So, here we are.....just waiting. It seems like forever. Please pray for our little boy.
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