Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Doctor Day

Today was Doctor Day for Kaden. We had an appt with a dermatologist to have a wart on his finger treated. That was simple and painless. The dermatologist, Dr. Collingbourne was awesome. She put some paste type salycylic acid on it and we were done. She said that it should work since it was a small wart. She also recommended "Wart sticks" that can be purchased at a pharmacy. She said they are the same thing they used in the office, just not as strong. She mentioned that the sticks were different than the freezing stuff you can buy OTC because they do not cause any pain. You put the wart stick on the wart, cover it with duct tape, and pull the duct tape off the next morning. It sloughs away the layers of the wart, and you repeat every night until it is gone. Our next appt was with Kaden's Ortho Doc, Puffinbarger. We had X-Rays done and then met with the Dr. He said everything was right on track. He even said that Kaden could start bearing full weight on his leg to the extent that he was comfortable. So, he hopped down and started walking on it. It was pretty funny because he looked like a little limping penguin. But, I think that in no time he will be going as strong as ever. We are very thankful that everything is going well with the healing of his leg. The only downside is that just when he is able to resume normal activities then he will have to have another surgery to have the IM nails removed. Once again he will be restricted from activities to let the bone heal. I want to thank everyone that called, sent cards/gifts in the hospital, and said prayers for our boy. We appreciate it.

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