Friday can't come quick enough! It's Thursday night and I am tired.....or better yet, exhausted. I had a CE Class in OKC today, picked up the kids and Kaden had soccer practice, and I had a meeting at the school for The School Carnival. Let me mention that I somehow got voted into Homeroom Mom for Kaden's kindergarten class. I am not even sure what a "homeroom mom" does? But, I do like to be involved, so I guess this is it! Well, the school carnival is this big fundraiser for the school and PTA. Now I have to try to get other parents in the class to not only donate money for a themed basket that I have to create, but also get them to volunteer their time on the night of the carnival. I know what you're thinking.....GOOD LUCK, SUCKER! I am being optimistic that the other parents will at least feel sorry for me and help me with the carnival. We will see how that goes. And, to make the end of the week even better, I have a test that I have to take by Saturday in Acct II that I have not studied whatsoever for.
I guess this chaos will stick with me for a while. I do enjoy it......but it can be trying at times. I tell myself that more sleep would help. But, it does not work. I have tried getting 9 hrs and getting about 6 hrs. I feel the same when I wake up.....TIRED! Any suggestions????
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